Sensory Evaluation Laboratory

The Virginia Tech Sensory Evaluation Laboratory, a 1,278 square foot state-of-the-art facility housed in the Human and Agricultural Biosciences Building, is comprised of four areas: a reception area for intaking study subjects, a controlled and isolated test kitchen for sample management and preparation, a focus group training room equipped with an audio and video recording suite, and 10 individual sensory panelist booths equipped with observational cameras for behavior and focus group analysis, automated facial expression analysis software, sensory data collection terminals, precision-controlled LED booth lighting, and passthroughs to the test kitchen. This space was designed from the ground up to meet the cutting edge research needs of both our faculty and industry partners well into the future.
10 individual panelist booths with precision-controlled multi-option booth LED lighting and sensory data collection workstations
Focus group/panel training room
Controlled and isolated sample preparation laboratory
Observational cameras with synchronous video recording software
Automated facial expression analysis software
Observational software for behavior and focus group analysis
Data that results from research conducted in the Sensory Evaluation Lab assists researchers and food businesses in making decisions regarding everything from ingredients and packaging to flavor and marketing. Our capabilities include consumer, descriptive, and discrimination research using quantitative and qualitative methods. By exploring emotional response to foods through language choices and facial recognition and expression analysis, we can add valuable data that will aid both scientific and marketing decisions.

205 HABB1 (0924)
1230 Washington St. SW
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Jacob Lahne
(540) 231-7428